Sunday, March 12, 2006

Fill My Cup

In writing lyrics for this project I am compelled to write about my own life and things I struggle with and have struggled with in the past.

Searching through old journals tonight I am reminded of how far I have come. Really how long it has taken me to arrive at a better understanding of who I am. Flipping through pages of years past it seemed as if I were reading about a girl that I did not know. And I want to help her. I want to tell her that she has been decieved by world standards and the truth is something far different.... what she has bought into is a lie! What her soul is thirsty for can not be quenched anywhere she has been pre-occupied looking.....but in the words of a book she had abandoned.

I wish I could say that "You Define Me" was a song that I wrote, a project I started when I had found the formula to complete "acceptance of self". No pressures on any turn. The truth about me is in God's word. It clearly says that I am fearfully and wonderfully made, God thinks I am beautiful, He has a plan for me and that’s all that matters….....certainly nothing the world could offer or say touch me. I am going to go with my gut and continue to be as transparent through this process as I feel led to do. The struggle with silencing those pressures could possibly be my greatest weakness and even those closest to me in my life know of it’s intensity. Sometimes the hardest thing for me to deal with is when someone that I have just met finds me out. I mean....a girl who writes about "not caring" what the world says and claims to be "totally satisfied" is supposed to have arrived at that place of complete rest with herself....:p But reality is I face the pressure head on....every single day, and I can not tell you that "contentment" and total "acceptance of self" are always the outcome.

“You Define Me” is not a project I wanted to do when I had finally figured it out, no it is my small attempt to tell you that (thank God) there is hope!! "Defining" myself by the worlds standards and my own unrealistic expectations, looking anywhere but to God to satisfy ....only leads to an unbearable ache in the soul. I have to ask myself everyday…... what is it going to be Kathlyn? And I am led to the truth. The truth of God’s word and it satifies….... giving into the pull of the world keeps me in a constant state of discontent and unfullfillment!! *And I realize that's really is that simple. *Staying filled with the truth of God’s word leaves very little room for any lies that the world wants me to believe.

*By all means.....Stay Full. **Ps. 139




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